January brings new needlepoint projects for Denver stitchers

Denver stitchers welcome the new year with finished projects to show and anticipation of new needlepoint projects to begin!  There is a Denver Needlework Consortium workshop on tap that everyone is talking about.  It is Diane Hermann’s seaside spectacular, ‘Walking the Water’s Edge,’ all foaming seas and sand.  Oh, and a glorious touch to surprise and grab the eye:

Diane Herrmann's Walking the Water's Edge design.
Diane Herrmann’s Walking the Water’s Edge design.

Registration begins January 19 for Colorado Columbine Chapter members, who are the sponsors, and the other groups have a chance to confirm their class space starting February 17.  Registration closes on March 21.

Colorado Columbine Chapter, American Needlepoint Guild

Meets Third Monday of each month except Aug & Dec., at 6:30 p.m.
Bethany Lutheran Church
4500 E. Hampden Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113
Email us at columbineang@gmail.com for more information.

Follow us and see our finished needlepoint on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColoradoColumbineAng



