Needlepoint Santas are a favorite stitching project for December
It’s always fun to stitch a needlepoint project during the season it’s designed to depict. Whether a dreidel for Hanukkah or a Santa Claus for Christmas, a pumpkin for autumn or a spunky rabbit for spring, there’s just more fun and anticipation when the design seems to fit the weather. This month, we know stitcher…
Needlepoint stitchers love a holiday party!
In November each year, the membership of the Colorado Columbine Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild enjoys a holiday party before everyone gets caught up in December’s activities. Stitchers compare notes, get reacquainted, meet new people and feast on the goodies of the banquet table. This year’s festivities were organized by Hospitality chair Janet C.,…
Columbine needlepoint chapter news update
The Colorado Columbine Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild continues its role as a meeting place for enthusiasts of needlepoint stitching on canvas! The president, Lea K., announced at the latest evening meeting that the board had decided, based on feedback from the membership, to table its discussion of a merger with another local…
Needlepoint pilot classes offered in March, 2015
Alert! Denver Metro Needlework Consortium members! Two fabulous local needlepoint teachers, Toni Gerdes and Jennifer Riefenberg, will be teaching tandem pilot classes “Autumn Three Ways” and ” Color Play” on March 13-14, 2015 at the Inn at Palmer Divide. Be sure to register for one of the two! Don’t we all wish we could be in…
October is a favorite needlepoint stitching month
The weather is cooler, the garden projects have slowed, most needlepoint stitching groups are back in full swing after a summer hiatus. In October, the board of Colorado Columbine Chapter of American Needlepoint Guild continues to consider a proposal to merge our chapter with another local needlepoint chapter. It is vital that the membership at…
Needlepoint a pretty little ‘Friendship Gift Box’ in September
If you are looking for a delightful gift for a special person, why not make a beautiful little box in that person’s favorite colors? Our September program will be all about DebBee’s ‘Friendship Gift Boxes,’ by designer Debbie Rowley. And they are little, which to us, means quick to stitch: “approx 2″ x 2″ x 2″…
Needlepoint stitchers take a summer break from meetings
In August there is no formal meeting of Colorado Columbine Chapter of ANG, but it certainly does not mean we are not stitching! Summer is a great time for picking new threads, canvases and treating ourselves to some relaxed day-long stitch sessions. See Gloria M.’s fun seaside Santa in its finished standup form, above. We…
New to needlepoint? View our gallery of past stitching events
If you are new to needlepoint… not quite sure what it’s about… just view our gallery of photos to see what enjoyment the stitching of needlepoint projects can bring. The Colorado Columbine Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild holds monthly meetings in Denver that are open to all interested stitchers. CLICK HERE TO SEE PAST…
Needlepoint fireworks design tapped for summer stitching
Our June and July needlepoint stitching project is fireworks, of course! Barb G. is conducting a session on stitching a Laura J. Perin design on beautiful Prussian blue canvas. The sparkly threads are laid in burst patterns on top and convey a gorgeous July 4th sky. If you have signed up, you now have a…
A needlepoint expert reviews two stitchery books for our CCC-ANG readers
Our very own resident needlepoint designer and artist has reviewed two wonderful books for our stitching libraries! Jennifer R. is a certified NAN judge and needlepoint creator whose work is shown and taught nationally. Both books were reviewed as part of her NAN Judges’ Certification process. 1.) Three-dimensional Embroidery Author: Janet Edmonds. Methods of construction…