A panel of experts will be at our January 20, 2020 meeting to assist you with tackling that problematic canvas that never seems to move forward!
Go ahead and bring out those ‘problem kids’ and let us take a fresh look at them. Sometimes a striking color or new stitch can really bring a piece alive! Or, if you’re having trouble just putting the first stitch in, let our experts guide you.
They will have stitched examples and plenty of the new, hot stitch books to consult. Let new eyes take a new view of your weary canvas and get it finished!
Colorado Columbine Chapter, American Needlepoint Guild
Meets third Monday of each month except Aug & Dec., at 6:30 p.m.
Bethany Lutheran Church
4500 E. Hampden Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113
Email us at columbineang@gmail.com for more information.
Follow us and see our finished needlepoint on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColoradoColumbineAng