Denver needlepointers of the Colorado Columbine Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild welcomed their new officers at the March meeting. Election results were announced and those taking office immediately are:
President, Gloria M.
Vice president/Membership, Karen B.
Treasurer, Terri D.
The remainder of the board, who are in place and whose positions are elected in alternate years are: Vice president/programs, Barb G.; secretary, to be appointed. Much applause was rendered for outgoing officers Lea K., president, and Tina H., membership.
In the photo above, Gloria is holding an almost-finished canvas designed by Jennifer Riefenberg, called “Color Play,” which was a recent pilot class offered to stitchers from all over Colorado.
Join us in April for the kickoff of our 40th ANNIVERSARY year, installation of the new officers and annual dinner!
Colorado Columbine Chapter, American Needlepoint Guild
Meets Third Monday of each month except Aug & Dec., at 6:50 p.m.
Bethany Lutheran Church
4500 E. Hampden Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113
Email us at for more information.
Follow us and see our finished needlepoint on Facebook:
DID YOU KNOW? It is also time to get your ballots in for the American Needlepoint Guild election. See your copy of Needlepointers magazine for ballot and directions. Follow the directions carefully to be sure your votes is counted!