March into 2020 with our new needlepoint projects

Columbine members, election of new officers commences in March!  Vote on the night, or reply to your emailed ballot.

On March 16, 2020, Colorado Columbine needlepoint stitchers will do a quick-stitch project called ‘Pinwheel,’ which can be easily made into a beautiful scissors fob or ornament.  Class will be taught by our own Gloria M.

Scroll down to see more goodies on tap for Colorado Columbine Chapter, ANG needlepoint stitchers!


Signups are active now BUT LIMITED, for the new Kathy Rees piece being taught by our own Joyce L. in JUNE 2020: It is ‘Thanksgiving’ and is another beautiful design that is popular for the lovely colors, threads and design.

Another popular Kathy Rees design will be offered in JUNE, 2020.


Below is a finished Kathy Rees design stitched by a member of Joyce’s class, shown in February at our Show & Tell table:

Fab Feb Finishing included this Kathy Rees design taught by a member recently, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day!


Colorado Columbine Chapter, American Needlepoint Guild
Meets third Monday of each month except Aug & Dec., at 6:30 p.m.
Bethany Lutheran Church
4500 E. Hampden Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113
Email us at for more information. 

Follow us and see our finished needlepoint on Facebook