Needlepoint basics offered every month at Colorado Columbine Chapter meetings

Janet Gebow
Janet Gebow

A wonderful new program is underway at Colorado Columbine Chapter meetings! It’s called “All You Ever Wanted to know About Needlepoint But Were Afraid To Ask” and is designed to give members a solid knowledge of needlepoint stitch techniques, no matter how long they have been stitching.

Every meeting will offer an option to sit in on a session with needlepoint expert Janet Gebow, who will demonstrate the good practices every stitcher should have. The first session in March showed members a basic stitching kit and how to tie in and tie out threads on a canvas.

Janet also eloquently expressed what so often goes unsaid, but is understood by all who love this art. It is wonderfully soothing and addictive, rewarding and enjoyable, giving many hours of pleasure to those who are drawn to it. She described the exquisite colors and textures to be savored, and the infinite designs painted on canvas to be chosen. And Janet also discussed the canvas embellishment that takes needlepoint to another level. She gave an enticing glimpse of upcoming sessions, so join us to take your needlepoint experience to new heights!

Here is a schedule of her upcoming offerings:

May, 2014  Line Stitches – Back stitch, outline stitch, stem stitch and possibly straight stitches – pathway for stitches and how to stitch straight stitches from unnumbered charts

June, 2014  Tent Stitches and other stitches which are variations on the basic tent stitch

July, 2014  Other Diagonal Stitches

September, 2014 Crossed Stitches

November, 2014 Tied Stitches

Colorado Columbine Chapter has supplied a 10″x10″ piece of 13 count canvas. Stitchers should bring 10″x10″ stretcher bars, and some pearl cotton. There is no charge for the instructional copies, or the canvas.

And now to a TA-DA moment!

Show & Tell in March offered a much-anticipated finished piece by Jane M., who has had her beautiful stitched canvas framed to commemorate a family trip to San Diego. The canvas is crowded with wonderful specialty stitches that elicited oohs and aahhs from the members. One of the great pleasures of our meetings is the opportunity to share our work with stitchers who Really Know What It Took to Get That Canvas Done!

Jane's framed piece wowed 'em at Show & Tell
Jane’s framed piece wowed ’em at Show & Tell