Tag: books

  • A needlepoint expert reviews two stitchery books for our CCC-ANG readers

    Our very own resident needlepoint designer and artist has reviewed two wonderful books for our stitching libraries! Jennifer R. is a certified NAN judge and needlepoint creator whose work is shown and taught nationally. Both books were reviewed as part of her NAN Judges’ Certification process. 1.) Three-dimensional Embroidery Author: Janet Edmonds. Methods of construction…

  • Keep books on Needlepoint handy for a snowy day

    By Lea K. There are several more needlepointing books that everyone should take a look at! All are from the public library. The “first” book, not to miss, is titled: “Folk Art Needlepoint – 20 Projects Adapted from Objects in the American Folk Art Museum,” and written by Ruth Peltason, c 2008. This book is…

  • Needlepoint books are delightful additions to the home library of every stitcher

    Reviews by Lea K., President, Colorado Columbine Chapter, American Needlepoint Guild Just think of a home library that includes a few books about needlepointing, and some will tell you that having a few if not more needlepoint books on your shelves is necessary and even essential. And, I agree. So, my “first” needlepoint book choice…